Music Player

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Assignment #8 - nmed2005

I feel like the colours of this edited image are a more accurate representation of Laszlo's style. Just changing the background and a few other colours and removing a few elements makes it a lot less bright and not as busy.Though this looks a lot more modern and computerized than Laszlo's paintings, if he were to create an image with modern technology, i think it would look something like this:

A few of Laszlo's paintings that i used as reference/inspiration:

Monday, March 26, 2007

Assignment #4 - nmed1000

The website finally ended up working out, although it doesn't work great in internet explorer. the 25+ rollover doesn't work on any of the pages for some strange reason. works fine in firefox though. and after the guides were set in photoshop and i cut out the pieces to put in dreamweaver, they kept overlapping a pixel or two which threw off the whole row. wow, that was annoying to fiigure out. i finally had to just zoom way in and do it manually without the snapping. but it got the job done. and it turned out good.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Assignment #7 - nmed2005

So my mom just decided to get a website done for her photography. So i thought having a nifty little logo like this would be sweet. so i made this for her. i thought it turned out pretty good.

So my computer was being a loser and i had to reinstall windows and a bunch of crap then Illustrator would crash when i tried to save anything, so oops i lost my work a few times. but after the frustration i finally redid this logo. Unfortunately I didn't have time to finish the next assignment which is due in a few hours so hopefully my computer will let me do that for Wednesday. argh computers are annoying. but anyways, here's the new logo. 3/26/07 | 3:30am

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Assignment #6 - nmed2005

Using a font i found on i made this poster to display the different characters. With the theme of Ambulance Shotgun, which is the font name, i had some good ideas come out of it, and turn into this: